Salam.. Hey guys! I wanna share with you an article. This is very interesting! Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger? hahaha.. There is a beautiful and convincing explanation, the logic obviously can be seen. For me it is just interesting to read * jangan lak korang percaya sangat. Lets go through this;
- Thumb represents your Parents
- Second (Index) finger represents your Siblings
- Middle finger represents yourself
- Fourth (Ring) finger represents your Life Partner
- Last (Little) finger represents your children
i) Firstly, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and hold them together - back to back. Secondly, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb - tip to tip.. cam gambar nih;
iii) Then please join your thumbs as before and separate your Index fingers (representing siblings). They will also open, because your brothers and sisters will have their own families and will have to lead their own separate lives.
iv) Now join the Index fingers and separate your Little fingers (representing your children). They will open too, because the children also will get married and settle down on their own some day.
v) Finally, join your little fingers and try to separate your Ring fingers (representing your spouse). You will be surprised to see that you just CANNOT.. because Husband & Wife have to remain together all their lives - through thick and thin!! hehehe..
So how?? interesting?? hihi.. moral of the story, appreciate your life partner.. try to get what you love and try to love what you got. and remember, a great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when the imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.. wahh, macam bagus je aku nih. hahahaha..
And of course for Muslim, kita ikut sunnah Rasulullah. Nasihat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. kepada Saidina Ali sesudah Saidina Ali berkahwin dengan Siti Fatimah iaitu anakanda kesayangan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. iaitu kalau memakai cincin pakailah di jari manis & kelingking. Dan jangan memakai pada jari hantu & telunjuk.
Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. melarang kerana memakai cincin pada jari telunjuk dan jari tengah (hantu) adalah meniru cara berhias kaum yang dilaknat oleh Allah iaitu kaum yang derhaka dizaman Nabi Lut A.S. dahulu. Cara memakai cincin ini termasuk lelaki ataupun perempuan. Nabi juga memakai cincin dan kalau kita memakai cincin dengan niat mengikut sunnah Nabi dapatlah kita pahala.
Menurut Imam Syafie, “Kepada lelaki, pemakaian cincin perak di jari kecil sebelah kanan(kelengking) adalah dibenarkan, dan jika ia mahu dijari kecil sebelah kiri juga dibenarkan,kerana kedua-duanya adalah sah dari Nabi. Namun, yang masyhur adalah sebelah kanan, kerana ianya lebih afdal sebagai perhiasan, dan kanan lebih mulia. Tambah imam Syafie, “memakai cincin di jari tengah dan jari telunjuk adalah dilarang”.
♥ anish ♥
hmmm it's interesting indeed.